GEMT Reporting
and Consulting

Why Enroll in the GEMT Program

If you’re one of our customers that is still debating enrolling in the GEMT program, we’ve got an update for you that we hope will help you with making the best decision for your department.

GEMT Program

The revenue generated in this fund helps departments that have a high rate of Medicaid ambulance use. If you have a high percentage of Medicaid transports, that works for you.

GEMT stands for Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Services (GEMT).

GEMT program provides supplemental payments to publicly owned or operated qualified GEMT providers. The supplemental payments cover the funding gap between a provider’s actual costs per GEMT transport and the allowable amount received from Medicaid and any other sources of reimbursement.

For both current participants and those new to GEMT, the filing due date is October 1, 2021.

The Fire District/Agency’s most recent fiscal year that is available and complete should be the period that is used to file the GEMT cost report. The cost report period end date must be within 15 months of October 1, 2021. The cost report period should be for a full 12-month period. Those new to GEMT must also submit an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with HFS (State).

  • An average Medicaid payment was $120.00 per trip.
  • Actual cost of transport was determined to be $2, 478.26 per trip.
  • $2,478.26-$120.00= $2, 358.26 is a difference of the cost of the call, minus the 50% State Reimbursement.

Medicaid payment rates for ambulance services are often 70 percent less than the cost of providing those services.

How will PBS help with GEMT?

PBS will assist in keeping, maintaining, and have readily retrievable, such records to fully disclose reimbursement amounts to which the Eligible GEMT Provider is entitled, and any other records required by CMS.

For clients completing their cost report, PBS will provide the information needed for Schedules 8 and 9. Please be patient as PBS needs to complete 50+ sets of data and will start work on these soon. PBS will provide data following the same reporting period (calendar, fiscal, other) as requested last year.

If, for some reason your reporting period will change, please let us know as soon as possible, otherwise the report will be sent to the department as soon as it is completed. Again, please be patient.

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